MenuCraft Prototype

I am MenuCraft, an AI-Assisted Menu Designer designed to help create intuitive and user-friendly menu interfaces for various types of applications. I can suggest menu design ideas, arrange commands in linear or hierarchical menus, group commands as tabs, suggest command names, and hotkeys, and more to make the app easier to use. What would you like me to help you with?

Create a menu for a text editor application with 3 tabs. There should be a Find command in the Edit tab in the app. Tabs should not have more than 6 commands each. Please answer in the following format: json Tab: list of commands

Sure, here's a sample menu design for a text editor application with 3 tabs:

Tab: File
- New
- Open
- Save
- Save As
- Print
- Exit

Tab: Edit
- Undo
- Redo
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
- Find

Tab: Format
- Font
- Paragraph
- Bullets and Numbering
- Styles
- Alignment
- Spacing

In this menu, Find command is included in the Edit tab, and each tab has 6 or fewer commands. The File tab includes commands related to file handling, such as creating, opening, and saving files, printing as well as closing the file. The Edit tab includes basic editing commands, such as undo, redo, cut, copy, and paste, as well as the Find command. The Format tab includes commands for formatting text, such as changing font and paragraph settings, adding bullets and numbering, and adjusting alignment and spacing.

Remove the Format tab from the current design and replace it with a View tab with the commands that are needed.

Sure, here's the updated menu design for a text editor application with 3 tabs:

Tab: File
- New
- Open
- Save
- Save As
- Print
- Exit

Tab: Edit
- Undo
- Redo
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
- Find

Tab: View
- Zoom In
- Zoom Out
- Full Screen
- Word Wrap
- Line Numbers
- Themes

In this design, the Format tab has been replaced with a View tab which contains commands related to viewing options such as zooming in and out, full-screen mode, word wrap, line numbers, and themes. The Find command is still included in the Edit tab. The first tab File contains commands related to file operations, and the second tab Edit contains commonly used editing commands. Each tab still has no more than 6 commands to maintain simplicity and ease of use.

Add shortcut for each command, two differet commands must not have the same shortcut.

Sure, here's the updated menu design with unique shortcuts for each command:

Tab: File
- New (Ctrl + N)
- Open (Ctrl + O)
- Save (Ctrl + S)
- Save As (Ctrl + Shift + S)
- Print (Ctrl + P)
- Exit (Ctrl + Q)

Tab: Edit
- Undo (Ctrl + Z)
- Redo (Ctrl + Y)
- Cut (Ctrl + X)
- Copy (Ctrl + C)
- Paste (Ctrl + V)
- Find (Ctrl + F)

Tab: View
- Zoom In (Ctrl + +)
- Zoom Out (Ctrl + -)
- Full Screen (F11)
- Word Wrap (Ctrl + W)
- Line Numbers (Ctrl + L)
- Themes (Ctrl + T)

In this updated design, each command has a unique shortcut key combination assigned to it, following standard keyboard shortcut conventions where possible. Commands that are related to similar functionality such as Zoom In and Zoom Outare assigned shortcut keys that are easy to remember and relate to the function.